Books I Wrote... (Click on the Image)

I Am Simon

The Untold Story of Simon of Cyrene

Discover how an unexpected encounter with a condemned criminal completely transformed the life of a farmer.

Recognize the power in enduring our crosses, while learning about the passion of Jesus from a different perspective. (Ages 5-10)

A Letter to Judas

Experience the Passion of Jesus through a completely different perspective. What were the thoughts and questions going through the head of one of the apostles? Learn how he deals with his own weaknesses and how he resolves to change in the future. (E-Book)

A Letter to Judas

Experience the Passion of Jesus through a completely different perspective. What were the thoughts and questions going through the head of one of the apostles? Learn how he deals with his own weaknesses and how he resolves to change in the future. (E-Book)

My Country Song

Diary of a Wonder Lust

Journey with me as I visit all Seven Wonders of the World! Read through my day-to-day journals about conversations I had, obstacles I encountered, and amazing places I saw. Pictures included!

Books I Recommend...*

Trustful Surrender to Divine Providence

The Secret of Peace and Happiness

This classic, timeless book will encourage you to entrust everything to God, leaving you with a sense of peace and conviction that you're on the right path.

He Leadeth Me

An Extraordinary Testiment of Faith

A personal legacy about a Jesuit Father named Walter J. Ciszek who spent over two decades in Soviet prisons. A story of pain and frustration, but also of hope and inspiration.

The Fulfillment Of All Desire

A Guidebook for the Journey to God Based on the Wisdom of the Saints

Through the examples of St. Augustine, John of the Cross, St. Teresa of Avila, Frances de Sales, and Therese of Lisieux, learn and be inspired by what it means to lead a life of prayer, modeled after Jesus.

The Happiness of Heaven

An Extraordinary Testament of Faith

"Eye has not seen, ear has not heard...." Discover how amazing Heaven is, and what it could be like to truly dwell with the Saints. This inspiring book is a good guide for our final destination.

Daring Greatly

How The Courage To Be Vulnerable Changes The Way We Live, Love, Parent, And Lead

An insightful book about the power of acknowledging our fears and be who we really are.

My Other Self

An Extraordinary Testament of Faith

Written as a dialogue between Jesus and the reader, this book discusses detachment, virtue, and prayer, among many others, with the ultimate goal being united with Christ in heaven.

Glittering Vices:

A New Look at the Seven Deadly Sins and Their Remedies

An eye-opening book on how to identify sins in your own life and how to resist them in the future.

Good Days Start With Gratitude:

A 52 Week Guide To Cultivate An Attitude of Gratitude

Focus on the big things in life as well as the small joys. This 52-week guide contains an inspirational quote, spaces for the things you are grateful for, and this habit can transform your life!

The Compound Effect

Jumpstart Your Income, Your Life, Your Success

An eye-opening book on how to identify sins in your own life and how to identify and resist them in the future.

The Screwtape Letters

This masterpiece is uncannily relatable and pokes at your conscience. Told from the vantage point of Satan himself, this profound book will help you understand how subtle and sneaky Satan can be in our daily lives.

Searching for and

Maintaining Peace

A Small Treatise on Peace of Heart

A very timely book, learn how to place our fear and anxiety in God's loving care. Learn exactly how to always pursue peace, regardless of life circumstances.

Battlefield of the mind

Winning the Battle in Your Mind

The mind is constantly distracted by negative thoughts. Learn how to deal with countless thoughts every day to reclaim your sanity and focus your mind on God.

the life-changing magic

of tidying up

the Japanese art of decluttering

and organizing

Does it spark joy? Learn from "the most organized woman in the world," as your bookshelves are thinned out, closets are trimmed down, and everything gets its own special place.

The Hidden Power of Kindness

A Practical Handbook for Souls Who Dare to Transform the World, One Deed at a Time

An honest, practical guide full of wisdom and everyday examples. Learn how to navigate through others' emotions, while identifying your own motives, as you grow in the virtue of kindness.

The Return of the Prodigal Son

A Story of Homecoming

Recognize yourself through each of the three main characters in this painting as each person is analyzed in depth by the author. Learn about the unconditional love of the father, the sorrow of the younger son, and the bitter pride of the elder son. A very thought-provoking book.

*I get a small commission on each book sold.

Trustful Surrender to Divine Providence

The Secret of Peace and Happiness

This classic, timeless book will encourage you to entrust everything to God, leaving you with a sense of peace and conviction that you're on the right path.

The Fulfillment Of All Desire

A Guidebook for the Journey to God Based on the Wisdom of the Saints

Through the examples of St. Augustine, John of the Cross, St. Teresa of Avila, Frances de Sales, and Therese of Lisieux, learn and be inspired by what it means to lead a life of prayer, modeled after Jesus.

He Leadeth Me

An Extraordinary Testiment of Faith

A personal legacy about a Jesuit Father named Walter J. Ciszek who spent over two decades in Soviet prisons. A story of pain and frustration, but also of hope and inspiration.

The Happiness of Heaven

An Extraordinary Testament of Faith

"Eye has not seen, ear has not heard...." Discover how amazing Heaven is, and what it could be like to truly dwell with the Saints. This inspiring book is a good guide for our final destination.

My Other Self

An Extraordinary Testament of Faith

Written as a dialogue between Jesus and the reader, this book discusses detachment, virtue, and prayer, among many others, with the ultimate goal being united with Christ in heaven.

Glittering Vices:

A New Look at the Seven Deadly Sins and Their Remedies

An eye-opening book on how to identify sins in your own life and how to resist them in the future.

Daring Greatly

How The Courage To Be Vulnerable Changes The Way We Live, Love, Parent, And Lead

An insightful book about the power of acknowledging our fears and be who we really are.

Good Days Start With Gratitude:

A 52 Week Guide To Cultivate An Attitude of Gratitude

Focus on the big things in life as well as the small joys. This 52-week guide contains an inspirational quote, spaces for the things you are grateful for, and this habit can transform your life!

The Compound Effect

Jumpstart Your Income, Your Life, Your Success

An eye-opening book on how to identify sins in your own life and how to identify and resist them in the future.

The Screwtape Letters

This masterpiece is uncannily relatable and pokes at your conscience. Told from the vantage point of Satan himself, this profound book will help you understand how subtle and sneaky Satan can be in our daily lives.

Searching for and

Maintaining Peace

A Small Treatise on Peace of Heart

A very timely book, learn how to place our fear and anxiety in God's loving care. Learn exactly how to always pursue peace, regardless of life circumstances.

Battlefield of the mind

Winning the Battle in Your Mind

The mind is constantly distracted by negative thoughts. Learn how to deal with countless thoughts every day to reclaim your sanity and focus your mind on God.

the life-changing magic of tidying up

the Japanese art of decluttering

and organizing

Does it spark joy? Learn from "the most organized woman in the world," as your bookshelves are thinned out, closets are trimmed down, and everything gets its own special place.

*I receive a small commission on these items at no extra cost to you

The Hidden Power of Kindness

A Practical Handbook for Souls Who Dare to Transform the World, One Deed at a Time

An honest guide full of wisdom and everyday examples. Learn how to navigate through others' emotions, while identifying your own motives, as you grow in the virtue of kindness.

The Return of the Prodigal Son

A Story of Homecoming

Recognize yourself through each of the three main characters in this painting as each person is analyzed in depth by the author. Learn about the unconditional love of the father, the sorrow of the younger son, and the bitter pride of the elder son. A very thought-provoking book.

*I receive a small commission on these items at no extra cost to you

“ Life is hard, but so very beautiful.”

--Abraham Lincoln

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